Friday, June 18, 2010

Our July Book Selection

The book receiving the most votes was Let the Great World Spin: A Novel, by Colum McCann. Discussion will begin in five weeks -- July 23, 2010. Enjoy reading.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Book Club Selections for June/July

Maggie is hosting the next Ethereal Reader book club. Her book selections are: Queen of Palmyra, by Minrose Gwin; A Long Time Ago and Essentially True, by Brigid Pasulka; The Last Child, by John Hart; and Let the Great World Spin: A Novel, by Colum McCann.

You have until Friday, June 18, to cast your vote. Please email Kris at to let me know your book choice. Ethereal Reader will announce the book Friday.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Reliable Wife

Once I came to grips with the fact that I would never remember the name of this book -- I called it The Reluctant Wife, The Realistic Wife, The Rambunctious Wife (well, that last one's not actually true; I never called it that) -- I enjoyed this deeply disturbing but quite thought-provoking novel.

At first look, the characters seemed to be one dimensional. Clearly Catherine was evil; after all, she was out to kill Mr. Truitt for money. As for Mr. Truitt, he was simply a sexual pervert, wasn't he? But as I read on, I found the two main characters to actually be very complex and interesting, if not exactly likeable.

As I read a book, especially for book club, I try to decide which character I like the best, or that at least I find the most interesting. About halfway through the book, I was thinking to myself that I detested all of the characters and found none to be compelling. By the end, however, I found myself drawn to Catherine. It's true she had done some terrible things, and was about to do the most terrible thing of all. But as I learned about her past, I was able to see why she did the things she did. Furthermore (and more importantly), I realized that she had a conscience and even a bit of a moral compass.

Give me some of your thoughts about the characters -- who did you find most interesting or who did you like the best?

I think the thing I liked most about this book, the thing that kept me turning the pages, was the author's writing style. I found the cadence to be almost poetic. He would write the most disturbing words but I found it to be beautifully written. It was the kind of book that I would get to the end of a chapter and want to keep reading, even if I was tired. It wasn't because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next; it really was just the writing style. And I LOVED the ending.

What did you like best about the book? You must answer this question even if you disliked the book.

I found Mr. Truitt's obsession with sex (and the author's choice of discriptives) to be one of the things that I found most uncomfortable about the book. As I learned of his past, however, I decided he really was obsessed with sex because that was the only way in which he found closeness and what he considered to be love. It was a bit over the top, however. Sleeping with his finger in her sex? Really?

I also didn't quite get the random references to people cutting off their hands or hanging themswelves. I found that to be quite weird.

What did you like least about the book?

My rating is 8 out of 10.